Simple Invoice – Order Printer simply prints your order data as an invoice. Once you have your taxes set up correctly in your Shopify store, Simple Invoice will use these tax settings and automatically display all the required tax details on your invoices.
There isn’t any configuration that needs to be done on the Simple Invoice side.
You can find some key points about why your taxes may not be displayed on your invoices:
- Do you mark your products as “taxable”? If you didn’t do that, for proper taxation, please check the “Charge tax on this product” checkbox for your products on the “Products” page of your Shopify store.
- Did you set tax rates for each country you make sales in properly?
- It might sometimes occur that a customer was accidentally set as “tax-exempt” when they should not have been. Please also check the customer settings on the “Customers” page of your Shopify store.
Please note that if you make any changes to the tax settings in your Shopify admin, only newly created orders and invoices will reflect these changes. Your existing invoices will remain unchanged.
For more information about setting up taxes on the Shopify side, you can click here.