You can watch the video tutorial, which provides a step-by-step guide through the process.
You can increase your revenue and improve productivity with the Simple Invoice Quote functionality.
What is a Simple Invoice Quote?
A quote is an agreement between you and your customer to provide a service or product at an agreed-upon price and within a specific time frame. The quote shows a breakdown of the individual charges that are added together to create the total cost. You can create quotes and get paid by your customers instantly.
How to Setup – Customize the Quote Template?
Step 1: Open Simple Invoice from your Shopify store’s “Apps” section.
Step 2: Click on “Templates” in the Simple Invoice dashboard.
Step 3: Select “Quote” from the Template Type dropdown menu and make the necessary changes to your template. Then, click the ‘Save’ button in the upper right menu.
How to Setup – Customize the Quote Emails?
Step 4: After making the necessary changes to the Quote Template, click “Settings” on the left menu.
Step 5: Scroll down to “Sending Options”, click ‘Quote’, and make the changes according to your requirements.
How to Setup – Customize the Quote Payment Gateways?
Step 6: After making the necessary changes to your quote emails, in “Settings”, scroll down to “Accept Payments” to turn on and configure the payment gateway of your choice.
You can use PayPal, Stripe, and Custom Payment simultaneously or choose any one of them.
PayPal: This is how you should get API Signature and Certificate credentials for your PayPal account:
- Log in to your PayPal Sandbox account, and use your business profile data.
- Click the “Settings” icon.
- Click Account access under “Account & Security” on the left of the page.
- In the “API access” section, click “Update”.
- Click “Manage API credentials” under “NVP/SOAP API integration”.
- Select one of the following options. Request API Signature – Select for API Signature authentication. Request API Certificate – Select for API Certificate authentication.
- Click “Agree” and “Submit”.
Stripe: Users with Administrator permissions can access a Stripe account’s API key by navigating to the Developers section of the Stripe dashboard and clicking on API Keys. You can find the detailed guide and get more information by clicking here.
Custom Payment: You can add any offline payment method such as Cash, Bank transfer, etc. to your Simple Invoice account.
How to Create a Quote?
After setting up your email and payment gateway settings, now you can create and send quotes from the ‘Quotes’ section of your Simple Invoice.
Step 1: Click on “Quotes” in the Simple Invoice dashboard.
Step 2: Click the “Create Quote” button to create your first quote.
Step 3: You can set the main details of your quote in the “Quote Details” section.
Step 4: After setting up the Quote Details, click the “Addresses” section.
You can set the Customer, Billing, and Shipping address details. This is an important step since your quotes will be sent to this customer. Click “Edit” to select a customer.
Step 5: You can search for a customer or you can fill in the necessary information to add a customer to your Quote.
If you would like to add an existing customer, enter the customer’s first or last name in the search field, click the ‘Search’ button, and then click ‘Select Customer’ to add them.
After you select your customer, you can also edit the customer information before adding it to the Quote.
You have the option of copying the information from the previously added details.
Step 6: After setting up the Addresses Details, click on the “Line Items” section.
You can search for a product or you can fill in the necessary information to add a product to your Quote.
If you wish to add an existing product, write the product name to the Search field, click ‘Search’, and click “Add Product”.
After you select a product, you can edit the product information before adding it to your Quote.
Step 7: After adding the products in the ‘Line Items’ section, click on “Pricing And Discount”.
At this step, you can add the discount and shipping amounts. The refunded amount is not mandatory and you don’t need to use it unless you wish to intentionally create a quote with a refunded amount. After you enter the desired amounts, click the “Save” button to save your quote.
You can also change the currency of your quote in this section.
How to Process a Quote?
After creating your quote, you can print, download, or send it from the ‘Quotes’ section of Simple Invoice or the ‘Edit Quote’ section.
You can also click the ‘Actions’ button to process your quotes.
How to Track Quote Transactions?
When your customers receive their quote, they will be able to click on a link and make a payment.
Step 1: You can track your transactions by clicking the quote number.
Step 2: Click on the ‘Actions’ button and select “Transactions”. In this way, you’ll reach the transactions for your quote.
Your customers can make partial payments for your quote and you can track all your paid transactions on this page.
For a custom payment, once you receive payment from your customer, you can update the payment status of the quote in the Quote Edit section.
It is also possible to see the “Paid” and “Due” amounts on the details page of your quote.
If you wish to see the Paid and Due amounts in the Quotes, please click the “Show Paid and Due Line” under ‘Options’ in “Templates”.
How to Convert Orders to Quote?
If you want to quickly create quotes from your existing Shopify orders, go to the “Orders” page from the left-side menu and select one of your orders. After that, you can easily convert your selected order into a quote by clicking the “Convert” button and selecting “Quote”.
You’ll see the converted order in the “Quotes” section of your Simple Invoice account.